Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You just never know

Today, I had to start my work day a bit late as the new handy man came to my house. If you don't hear a choir of angels singing, believe me sister they are. Did I mention the WHOLE baseball team has been invited to my home Saturday plus their parents?!! I had wires hanging in my kitchen and that was not going to work.
Anywhoo- as the handy man was being, well handy, I was trying to be busy-I really doesn't seem right to sit on the couch and eat fritos while someone else is putting my house back together. So there I was in the guest room which should really be called the "Mama got a new scrap space and I got to be the crap space". It is like all the products not used frequently have just died there. I went about sorting, throwing away and moving things around. I ran across this photo. This is gold. I don't have many shots of Jen and Jon and I don't think she does either. Heavenly Father blessed me for staying away from those Fritos!
Jen if you want it, I will be happy to mail it over to you.
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