Friday, May 23, 2008

2nd best Friday night

Well, the title begs the question: What is the first best Friday night? My friends, that would obviously involve a tropical location/vacation and some uninterrupted time with the hubband. The second best Friday night one could have went like this (tonight):
  • Work or workout that gets you all sweaty. For me this was water day at the local Pre-K center
  • Meaningless wandering in restaurants, or stores, or both. For me this was grocery, then dinner, then Ashley Stewart and then Marshalls.
  • Hot shower with no rush and lots of soap. Love me some Ivory.
  • Sports bra with pajama bottoms
  • Pei Wei to go container (honey seared shrimp)-just scrumptious.
  • Big band music on the cable/tele that will not die so I can get a flat screen.
  • A clean scrap room ( I cleaned instead of creating)
  • Quiet (if you don't count the music)

I am trying to appreciate something in each day. This has been a rough week. One of those I really wish I could go into here but won't. Suffice to say.... what you put out into the universe, you get back. People can do some amazing things at some amazing times. The title of this blog was never truer......

This weekend, going to the mi-mi's house to check on the new and improved shoulder and have the hubband get his angel wings but pressure washing and staining the back deck for paw paw. Later tater.

1 comment:

June (a.k.a. "Junebug", Junie June", "Junabell"... said...

That's Right! Be open and appreciate everything around you and it will help you stay above water. I'm rooting for you!