Thursday, November 1, 2007


Thanks to Leann for the challenge-I will be out of town for the next 10 days so I am sending the first ones in a group. I will spread the rest out.
  1. I am grateful for my parents and the time God has given me to mature and really appreciate them.
  2. I am grateful for my man-my husband who will do things because I need him to.. because they make me happy.
  3. I am grateful for my job. I know.. it's wierd but I love my job and even on days when I don't, I still know they next day I will love it again.
  4. I am grateful for knowledge. Isn't it cool? God allows us to continue to grow and learn each a every day about anything we want!!
  5. I am grateful for Mexican food. The flavor of a good chip, refried beans, rice and cheese dip. Mmmmm that's just heaven on a plate.
  6. I am grateful for Weight Watchers-4.8 lbs this week.
  7. I am grateful for the boy. I love him with every fiber. There is no one who annoys me more and still can charm me into just about anything.
  8. I am grateful for friends. I am grateful to know who they are and who they aren't.
  9. I am grateful for my faith. I know why I am here, where I was before and where I will go next.
  10. I am grateful for the gifts and talents that Heavenly Father gave me as well as those I inherited from my family. It has taken a while to recognize and embrace them.


Unknown said...

Way to go...4.8 in a week that is really super. I really did good on wieght watchers.UMMMMMMMM

Plastic said...

I love the things you are thankful for.