Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Sorry it has been so long since blogging. My work and life seem to be in a busy cycle. The boy is doing well-just received a discipline note that he kissed a girl in class. The hubband is out of town for work. These are the times that turns a girls attention to scrappin and crafty projects. I am going to try and get something done tonight but that will be the extend of it. This weekend we are heading down Louisiana way for a wedding. I am looking forward to spending time away. Away from laundry, dishes, bills, etc.
Thinking about my dear friend still and the loss of her mother. It is something we may all experience at one time or another and yet we are at a loss for what to do or say. My heart is with you.
Thankful for a trainer who kicks my boote (that's boot-tay) 3 times a week and a husband who finances that. Thankful for a body that carries me around, for work I love and for friends who make me smile.

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