Sunday, April 11, 2010


This weekend the boy had his first communion ceremony at church. A friend from our baseball team came by and got this shot of us at church. I am so proud of him. We had a great day with the ceremony, the cake and punch and then Double Daves pizza and gifts.

Friday I spent some needed time with my dear friend Jenn. She can make me laugh like no one else. Saturday after our celebration the boy went with a friend to the Astros game and my sweetie and I went out to cafe Annie. It is a high dollar restaurant. Usually we thoroughly enjoy these kind of nights but the food was pretty mediocre. We came home and watched Food Inc. It was a fun and full weekend.
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Wilma said...

Good pictures of you all. Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Congrats. You all are looking great. I can't believe how big PJ has gotten. Not sure where the time goes anymore. LOL